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Cloaks of Passage - Inspiratie Creatie
Shaddy Mirza



> Cloaks of Passage (three day course)

During the three-day training Cloaks of Passage, you will become more conscious of who you are and what has shaped you. Turn your Cloaks into your superpowers.
Sign up for our next course by filling out the form below.


  • Your investment for this training is €799,-
    Take swift action and benefit from our EARLY-BIRDS discount. If you register between now and (11-10-2021) your investment will only be €589. So why wait get on board get your Cloaks on!
  • The training will take place in Amsterdam details about the venue and the location are to be confirmed.
  • Any questions you may have we will happily answer just get in touch and our team will be more than happy to help.
  • Your facilitators for this training course are Renold Revales & Shaddy Mirza
  • Download: Information


Registration form for Cloaks of passage training

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    E-mail address*

    Phone number*



    Date of birth

    Home address*

    Billing address: (if not the same as Home address)

    I would like to register for the upcoming cloaks of passage course on:*

    Monday 01 November 2021

    Are you a member of any of the following professional organisations:


    Membership number:

    Any other comments you might feel are relevant or important to mention before commencing the training

    I agree that my data will be stored in accordance with the rules and regulations of the data protection and privacy laws

